Noted futurist joins the sparks & honey studio to discuss the art and science of forecasting.

Fireside Chat with Faith Popcorn | Wednesday 3/23, 12:00 - 1:00 pm ET 
Everyone wants to predict the future, but few people have done so as successfully as Faith Popcorn. In this briefing, we'll sit down with the well-known futurist, asking her about her foresight practice and what it means to live future-focused.

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Learn more about sparks & honey's approach to Cultural Strategy in our Intelligence Report: Business Bets 2022.

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About Our Panelists


Faith Popcorn

Futurist, Founder & CEO of Faith Popcorn's BrainReserve

Faith long ago predicted the demand for fresh foods and four-wheel drives, as well as the spiritual tenor of the millennium with Cocooning. She was the first to anticipate the explosive growth of home delivery, home businesses and home shopping. Additionally, she predicted the rise of social media and has her own significant following on Instagram and Twitter. A dynamic public speaker, Faith regularly shares her interactive FutureView presentation which focuses on how Trends are affecting consumer lifestyles and purchasing behavior, with thousands of audiences across the globe.

She is a trusted advisor to the CEOs of The Fortune 500 including such companies as Allergan, American Express, Avon, Bayer, Campbell’s Soup, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg’s, KFC, Mars, SC Johnson, Tylenol and The United States Postal Service. Heralded for her extraordinary ability to forecast emerging consumer patterns, Faith is frequently interviewed and cited in the media by The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, Fortune, “The Today Show,” “Face the Nation,” and CNN.


Terry Young

Founder & CEO, sparks & honey
Terry is a frequent speaker and writer on the largest shifts that will shape modern organizations and leaders, most recently speaking and writing on such topics as the future of work, driverless cars, domestic terrorism, the rise of Generation Z, artificial intelligence, open business and precision data. His background in consumer behavior and technology platforms allowed him to architect the sparks & honey model, as well as the AI-powered cultural intelligence platform, Q™. Before sparks & honey, Terry joined McKinsey & Company in Greater China, working to incubate new startups and Internet companies in Asia.

As an openly gay founder and CEO, Terry works to support a wide range of LGBTQ+ initiatives. He has an M.A. from the University of Texas at Austin, studied at Singularity University and spent 27-months volunteering in the U.S. Peace Corps. Terry enjoys hiking, traveling, politics and exploring the Hudson valley with his son and partner.

About s&h

Over the last 10 years, sparks & honey has built one of the top culture-centric organizations in the world. We analyze and interpret cultural intelligence using social and data sciences, uncovering the critical insights that ensure that the organizations we work with can lead culture into the future. Our process includes training algorithms, building platforms, mapping and quantifying culture and developing culture-centric methodologies to help us translate human behavior into growth and transformation strategies for our clients.